Friday, June 3, 2011

Texture with type

Is it all T's and V's???
Has some great stuff!

Literal Typography.. literally...

Say and show it at the same time!
from this blog!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Type in fashion DON'Ts

Exactly!!! Uhm... NO!!! but here's a couple more hehe...
 these were taken from apparently.. but I found them on this blog

Typography on UR FACE!!!

Thanks to pop artists such as Lady Gaga and Key$ha its AMAZING fashion to put stuff on your FACE!!!
check out more here!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Reaching out with type

A poster design I created for the ongoing efforts for Haiti...

Typography research!

you can do research outside of wikipedia! I very nice site I found with good info and references for future design projects!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The origin of the Question Mark.. say what???

an essay on marks origins

This guy is amazing!!! Now this "?" makes so much sense!!!

AMAZING logo designs VS Alright logos

Pixar logos Vs Dreamworks logo design

Someone posted this in my favorite and only gossip blog I go to. Reading it, I completely agree... is Dreamworks logo's cheaper because they don't care as much as Pixar???

Fun with Logo design

My own logo design that makes you think... do you see where I'm getting at ;)

Poster Design using only type

One of my first attempts at at a all type poster... I think it looks neat!

Typography in Video 2: sing-a-long type

OK so this was the original teaser video that was released last summer before it became a hit. Even though the song is amazing I preferred this video to next one they released...

Best part, the fonts match the style of the song...

Typography in Video: type that may cause seizures

I love the use of all fonts but is it worth watching if you have Epilepsy??? I say YES!!!